Reinventing Customer Support
Once the notorious pandemic swept through the world, we found ourselves unable to provide on-site support for all of our clients in lots of countries. However, restrictions brought by the outbreak unleashed our capability to be much innovative.
We established a task force and set up a technical facility to provide remote installation support, commissioning and after-sales. We provided intensive supports for our delivered projects and put them all in operation with great satisfaction. We strive to elaborate further capabilities to make our remote supports much efficient.
Our team is re-organized for delivering efficient support services for varying enquiries from machine commissioning to software s. Especially our capabilities at the supports in machine commissioning was highly satisfactory considering several projects have been carried out through remote assistance.
The collaborative approach extended to us by our clients immensely facilitated the missions that we have done with great success. We provided basic support facilities (ie. a computer with all machine software, software for motion controls) with some of the projects so that the customer was adequately prepared.
We are very content to explore that both our team and customer side have developed some practical methods for figuring out the challenges in production and maintenance. The synergies created with these operations, we are quite sure, shall also contribute to elaborating other opportunities for developing methods not only in servicing but also in designing, production and maintenance.